New Hampshire

Manchester: Manchester is located in the southeastern part of the state of New Hampshire in the United States, with a population of approximately 109,000 people, with a total area of 90.4 km². The time difference with Japan is -14 hours Japan time.
To go to Manchester
To get to Manchester from Tokyo, change to Detroit Airport and go to Manchester Airport is short and it is convenient. The journey takes 15 hours and 50 minutes.
In order to go to Manchester from Osaka, it is convenient for Tokyo to transfer to Detroit airport from Tokyo and go to Manchester Airport for a short time. The journey takes 18 hours and 40 minutes.

2016 Clash of the Cupcakes
10/14 Best Cupcake Event Deciding
Popular bakery in New Hampshire gathers in Manchester Https://

Chase Rice
Chase Rice(live)
10/22 Live concert of popular hip hop singer "Chase Rice" in the US
Chase Rice Born in Florida in 1985, debuted in 2010, the representative song "Ready Set Roll" released in 2013 won the No.1 hit chart nationwide.

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair
Joel Dicker's creative mystery novel
A bestselling translated in 40 countries around the world is made into a paperback Joël Dicker: Joel Dicker was born in Switzerland in 1985 and was a detective novelist who won the Geneva Writers Award in 2010 and the Prix Goncourt des Lycéens Award in 2012. Introduction of books (Amazon) Https://

Personalized Laser-Engraved Bamboo Cutting Board
Personalized Laser-Engraved Bamboo Cutting Board
Etsy (site introducing unique handmade items) Https://

Saigon Noodles
Four's popular Thai restaurant
Popular Thai restaurant with four picked up in local newspaper and local news Four of the popular menus are healthy in addition to gentle taste. Yelp Https:// (Site collecting local local news) Introduction article in Http://